ROUND ROCK,Texas – March 14, 2012 – Unity Park Community Garden will host a community open house and gardening fun day on Saturday, April 28.
Join local gardeners for a tour of Round Rock’s first community garden for citizens, get gardening tips, and enjoy fun garden-related activities for kids. The event coincides with the Austin Area Community Garden Tour which provides open access to community gardens throughout the area. The event is sponsored each year by the Coalition of Austin Community Gardens. WHAT: Unity Park Community Garden Open House and Fun Day WHEN: Noon to 4 p.m., Saturday, April 28, 2012 WHERE: Unity Park Community Garden 2746 Gattis School Road, Round Rock Now in its third year, Round Rock’s first community garden is open to local residents who can rent garden plots and take gardening classes at the site located on Gattis School Road in Round Rock. The community garden also grows organic produce to supply the Hope Alliance Women’s Shelter and its clients. For more information about Unity Park Community Garden visit Neighborhood Harvest Project is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to promoting healthy local food and sustainable living through education and community gardening in Round Rock and surrounding areas.